Escalando Arboles -- Truco para un anclaje de dosel!
Abdon no muestra un truco my util para instalar un anillo en su cuerda de trepa.
Abdon no muestra un truco my util para instalar un anillo en su cuerda de trepa.
Did you mean to install a ring prior to sending up the rope, but forgot?! Don't worry, this trick will help you out!
In this How-To series, Abdon shares the basics on how to climb SRT/SRS!
Save those ornamental trees from the big nasty tears with this SWEET SILKY TIP!
Abdon shares some of the ways that he will approach a limb walk.
Chris shares some of his techniques in order to have a successful limb walk.
Esta técnica es util cuando se necesita otra opción de posicionamiento.
In this video, Chris shows us a secondary tie in method that involves only your rope!
Abdon nos muestra como ascender un árbol inclinado fácilmente, utilizando su acollador de posicionamiento.