A Guide to Span Rigging
Span Rigging consists of using the tree you are in and another tree to create a rigging point. Span rigging, with the right tree rigging rope is not only safe, but also gives you as well as a slight mechanical...
Span Rigging consists of using the tree you are in and another tree to create a rigging point. Span rigging, with the right tree rigging rope is not only safe, but also gives you as well as a slight mechanical...
In this How-To series, Abdon shares the basics on how to climb SRT/SRS!
Follow Cody's easy step-by-step instruction on how to tie a Zeppelin Bend. This knot can be used to join two ropes together.
Climber needs help being lowered down? It's time for a rescue base anchor! Abdon of Bartlett Arborist Supply shows you how to operate this handy anchor system which is extremely helpful in emergency situations.
Depending on the union you're trying to get your rope into, there are several different methods for attaching your throw line to your system. Cody shows off four of the most tried and true methods here. Add these techniques to...
Are you properly securing yourself with your lanyard, or are you leaving yourself at risk of spinning around like a top? Learn how to properly tie yourself in with the GRIP now!
Abdon, I mean Timber King, wants you embrace the 4 ancestral tenants of proper footlocking so you can be a better climber. Brought to you by Bartlett Arborist Supply. Timber King does NOT use performance-enhancing drugs. ;)
Could Foot Locking be the Secret to Successful Climbing? Is foot locking making a comeback into the industry? Do climbers still practice this method?! Did it ever leave at all? Foot locking is one of the oldest known techniques in climbing, and...