Climbing News
Throwball Stuck? Try this Tip!
Read nowSometimes sending a quick pulse up the throw line will get it to come down, rather than having to re-shoot.
4 Ways to Attach a Throw Line to Your System
Read nowDepending on the union you're trying to get your rope into, there are several different methods for attaching your throw line to your system. Cody shows off four of the most tried and true methods here. Add these techniques to...
Throw Line Hijinks
Read now“How did you set your rope all the way up there without leaving the ground?!” You won’t believe the countless times I’ve heard that comment! It has to be the most asked question when the homeowner comes out. After they...
Throwline Tales from the Crypt
Read nowAllow me to vent some frustration out! I'm afraid I’ll be talking about my love/hate relationship with the THROWLINE. I’m surprised I haven't had a heart attack with the amount of stress and anger that throwlines put me through. Even though they anger me so, I...
The Difference Between Standard and Premium Throw Weights!
Read nowQuick and to the point, that is what this video is all about when talking about throw weights! Cody gives us a solid review on what the difference is between a standard versus a premium throw weight and why...
Throwball Rescue
Read nowHere is a nifty little trick on how to rescue a throwball, without having to do the climb of shame!
Usando un Shot Trigger para el Big Shot
Read nowAquí en este video nos muestran cómo utilizar el Shot Trigger con el Big Shot. El Shot Trigger es un gatillo que se usa en conjunto con el Big Shot y ayuda apuntar con precisión!
Using the Shot Trigger on the Big Shot
Read nowIn this video, Cody demonstrates how easy it is to work a Shot Trigger with your Big Shot.