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CT Cric Multifunctional Rope Clamp


The CT Cric Multifunctional Rope Clamp is the ideal tool for mountaineering, rope access work, tree work and rescue. It features four modes of operation, including an ascender, pulley, rope clamp/pulley and progress-capture hauling pulley. Its robust and intuitive design makes it a reliable, practical and easy to use accessory for your next adventure.

Main features:

  • its versatility, compact size and ease of use allow reducing to the minimum time, material and space needed in rope manoeuvres;
  • it allows ascending the rope in accordance with EN 567 / EN 12841-B standards (ascender mode);
  • it can be used as a simple pulley for lifting or transferring a load in accordance with the EN 12278 standard (pulley mode);
  • the integrated ball-bearing sheave can be used as a simple redirect to make it easier to ascend a rope or to lift a person without the aid of additional connectors (rope clamp/pulley mode);
  • it allows the direct lifting of a load, the creation of hauling systems and the rescue or self-rescue of a person, as in the case of a victim fallen into a crevasse (progress-capture hauling pulley mode);
  • when used in pulley mode, the rope is free to run in both directions; instead, when the hauling-pulley mode is used, the rope can only run in one direction and it is locked in the opposite one;
  • when used in progress-capture hauling pulley mode, it is possible to lower the lifted load by acting on the dedicated cord connected to the cam within the device;
  • the easy opening, via an intuitive release button, makes the installation of the device on the rope swift – no matter the mode that is going to be used in – even with gloves on or while operating in difficult conditions;
  • equipped with a steel cam featuring teeth that minimize rope wear but are effective in blocking the rope. In addition, the cam is designed with two slots to reduce the build-up of dirt, so maintaining the lock on the rope very efficient in any condition (muddy, frozen rope, etc.).

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Clint Wade
Handy as a shirt pocket!!!

I bought the CT Cric as another tool in my rescue arsenal. During a week long new climber course I was able to test it . I really like the Cric for midline anchoring a haul system to pick an injured climber from their system. I coupled the Cric with a petzl rollclip and a Prussic loop to capture progress. The ease of lifting a 180 lb rescue dummy was amazing. I’m really considering adding a CT Cric to everyone in our operations kit. Will buy another for myself if I loose, damage, or wear out my current Cric.

Clay Ward

It was worth the wait.

Patrick Gallagher

Besides a back order which was out of your control shipping was quick and customer service was great!

best ever

Multifunction, the CRIC has many uses and does so much more. Great product. I use it as a three to one for limb walking.

Eric Fuchs
CT Cric Great Verditle device

I use this as part of my personal ascending primary along with my foot ascender. Also can serve as progress capture for haul team. I am part of a special operations wilderness medicine team. This device provides multiple functionality while being light weight so makes it a great addition when having to hike in several miles for a rescue operation.