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Climbing News

  • A 'Solidur' Pair of Chainsaw Pants
    April 27, 2018

    A 'Solidur' Pair of Chainsaw Pants

    Several years ago I remember looking through an arborist supply catalog while sitting in the bucket truck at lunch. In it I saw an ad for a pair of chainsaw pants that cost $300 and my mind was blown! 'Who in the hell would pay $300 for a pair of pants?' was all I could muster under my breath. The guys sitting next to me felt the same way! That was crazy! Our blue jeans cost a fraction of that and I could buy 10, heck 15 pair for the price of this one pair of pants! But, I must say, the thought of having a pair of chainsaw pants had planted a small seed inside of my head, even if I was bewildered about how I could afford a pair!

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  • Remove Limbs Easier with the Rigging Wrench
    April 27, 2018

    Remove Limbs Easier with the Rigging Wrench

    Have you ever been up in a tree and needed to lift some limbs, maybe to clear a roof or overhand, but also needed to immediately have some sort of friction on the rope because the pieces were too heavy for your ground guy to hold them? Many times when I was doing line clearance, we would find ourselves in these situations where we were lifting limbs off of or over power lines, but also needed at immediate friction to help us lower the limbs. We tried to have someone lifting while the other was taking up slack with the Port a Wrap, but that never really kept all the slack out of the system, and if the piece came off too early, there were way too many hands near the Port a Wrap to let something run at the correct time. So, as always, Kevin Bingham, who invented the Rope Wrench and Rope Runner, came up with a super cool use for the already popular Rope Wrench: the Rigging Wrench!

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  • April 27, 2018

    Choosing the Best Tie-In Method While Climbing SRT

    STIHL Chainsaws and Mark Chisholm made this awesome video demonstrating the forces that are generated when climbing SRT on a series of different anchor points. This is such an interesting topic to discuss, seeing as we have already presented part of this to you in previous blogs discussing 'Forces in Rigging' quite a while ago. So let's discuss a little bit of what's being covered in the video to help you choose the best tie-in method while climbing SRT!

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  • April 2, 2018

    Injecting Trees: Micro vs. Macro Injections

    The spring season is upon us and the trees are ready to start leafing out and uptaking all kinds of nutrients from their environment. This big uptake will help them push out new growth and put on some new growth rings as well. With the growth spurt comes the threat of pests and diseases that love munching on that supple new growth and possibly infecting the leaves and needles of your clients' trees! So, what is your plan for helping them care for their trees this coming season?

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  • Swivels Keep You from Getting Twisted Up
    April 2, 2018

    Swivels Keep You from Getting Twisted Up

    Have you ever been out on a limb with your climb line attached to the ring on your bridge while also trying to use your lanyard as a second tie-in, but as you lean way out there you notice your rope and lanyard are turning your bridge all around in a circle? This is a headache that can easily cause you frustration, but also, in a rescue scenario, cause the rescue to take far longer than it should because of an avoidable misconfiguration of gear. There is, however, a really easy way to fix this little dilemma: a swivel!

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  • April 2, 2018

    Foot Ascenders Help Climbers Cruise Up Ropes with Ease

    What is your favorite foot ascender? What really stands out to you about it? Do you like the fact that it's super lightweight? Maybe you like its ability to lock onto your rope? Perhaps even its ability to not lock? Foot ascenders are super useful and in our industry, there are actually quite a few options for these awesome little camming units that help us cruise right up our ropes!

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  • April 2, 2018

    How to Become More Efficient at Tree Removals

    On a recent Facebook post, we asked, 'what you recommended to someone that wanted to get faster at doing removals?' An overwhelming response was that you don't need to be faster, you need to be safe. That's a great point and obviously the best answer for the given scenario, but when we asked, we were assuming that the theoretical climber was, indeed, safe. So, with that being said, let's look at some ways that a climber can reduce the time that they are in the tree by making them more efficient at tree removals.

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  • Proper Use of Cutting Tools: Chainsaw Training and Handsaw Safety
    March 14, 2018

    Proper Use of Cutting Tools: Chainsaw Training and Handsaw Safety

    Are you afraid of your chainsaw? Honestly, I would hope that you aren't afraid of it, but I truly hope that you respect it! Chainsaws and handsaws alike are both used to cut through some pretty hard stuff, whether it be a solid Red Oak limb or a stone hard dead American Elm. These two tools require your utmost attention when being used, and above all else, your respect! That's why proper chainsaw training and handsaw safety are vital.

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  • Various Uses of Carabiners with Pulleys
    March 14, 2018

    Various Uses of Carabiners with Pulleys

    To stay in line the discussion we've been having about carabiners, it makes sense that the next things to look at are carabiners that have pulleys built into them. These cool tools can make plenty of jobs easier and setups neater than an extra carabiner with a pulley attached to it. Some companies have been making these carabiners with pulleys for quite now and most everyone is seeing the advantages they bring to the jobs site.

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