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Climbing News

  • The many Uses of Carabiners
    March 6, 2018

    The many Uses of Carabiners

    We've talked about carabiners plenty of times in the past and that's for a very good reason; they are really useful! Carabiners have been around since 1921 to help keep things attached to other things as well as keeping climbers attached to ropes on the cliff side or in the canopy. Carabiners have developed into something that we can use for life support, for rigging, and to make our climbing lives way easier! Let's take a look at some of the different uses for the various carabiners that are available.

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  • Double Bagging With Throwline
    March 1, 2018

    Double Bagging With Throwline

    As we have discussed in many previous blog posts, a throw line is one of the most useful tools that you can have on a job site. It can reduce the amount of climbing you need to do, give you a safe tie-in point from the ground, and can also be used to set all your rigging points from the ground; that is if you know how to use it! There are many ways to use a throw line, and some of the techniques are a bit more advanced than others. Today we'll focus on one technique, double bagging, and hopefully it will help make a day climbing way easier for you!

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  • February 20, 2018

    Safety Awareness: Protect Your Hands

    Out of all the infuriating things that can happen throughout the day at work, the thing that really makes an impression on those cold days is the searing pain that screams from your fingertips when an unwieldy branch lets loose and gives you a good crack across your pinky finger! This is the one of the absolute 'joys' of working outside during the icy Midwest winters. But guess what? For all of you who have been through this same horror, there's an answer for the pain we've all surely endured!'

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  • February 12, 2018

    Safety Awareness: Protect Your Legs

    Have you ever used a chainsaw before? More than likely, yes. Unless you are just doing some very fine ornamental pruning, you have used a chainsaw in your day-to-day work routine! More than likely you use a chainsaw almost all day long for hours on end. The big question is, what type of chainsaw protection are you employing?

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  • February 8, 2018

    Safety Awareness: Protect Your Eyes

    To keep moving forward with our month of safety articles and discounted product that we hope will help you stock up on all the safety gear you need, let's take a look at safety glasses and what makes a pair of safety glasses approved for work in the tree care industry. Just because you have a pair of glasses on doesn't mean that they are actually rated for the hazards that we are exposed to while doing tree work. Maybe you picked up a pair of cheapo glasses at the gas station in the morning or you brought in your super high dollar polarized glasses for when you are out on the boat? Are either of these any better than the other at protecting your eyes? Most probably not.

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  • February 5, 2018

    Safety Awareness: Protect Your Head

    Did you know that 'struck-bys' are the number one cause of injury and death in the tree industry? That means that more and more people are killed every year by branches, logs, or trees falling on them and striking them somewhere on the body or head. That is an awful lot of injuries and deaths that could possibly be reduced or avoided altogether. So what would be the best way to reduce climbing accidents you ask? Protective climbing helmets and effective communication!

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  • January 29, 2018

    Winter Exercise and Activity for Keeping In Shape

    Keeping in shape isn't a very hard job for us tree climbers, considering that we are continuously climbing ropes and limbs in trees and moving logs and brush on the ground. This type of daily activity keeps a person in top physical shape, but what happens when the work slows down, like during the winter months for us Midwest climbers? Winter exercise and activity can help keep our bodies in shape while we wait for the warm weather and steady work to come back. Let's take a look at some exercises and different techniques to keep us working at 100% day in and day out!

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  • January 25, 2018

    Try Out the 'O Rig Technique' for Easier Limb Walks

    Have you ever been out on the tips during a limb walk and found it really difficult to get back in? Maybe you were on a dreaded drooping limb walk that ended in a wobbling uncoordinated fight back to the base of the tree? Or perhaps you experienced a mega long limb walk in a 200 year old White Oak that has been reaching for the sun for the last 100 years. Regardless, we may have a technique that could make this whole process a little easier for you!

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  • January 15, 2018

    The Evolution of How I've Used Work Positioning Lanyards

    Let's take a look at one of the most basic, yet most useful tools we have on our side: your work positioning lanyard. Whether you call it a Buck Strap, a Sissy Strap, a Scare Strap, Safety Strap or Lanyard, they all do the same thing; that is keep you safe while climbing trees. Now let's go back a couple years and I'd like to share my own evolution through positioning lanyards and some climbing systems. Hopefully, this can help you choose a lanyard that works for you and how you climb!

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